Player : Lisa Kuchar
Club : Vaughan Athletic Center
Team : -
Subbed Up : 0

Roster Information

Season Start Date End Date Club Team
2012-13 09/06/12 08/31/13 Vaughan Athletic Center Womens Division 1 - American - Aurora
2013-14 09/10/13 08/31/14 Vaughan Athletic Center Womens Division 1 - American - Aurora
2014-15 09/08/14 09/02/15 Vaughan Athletic Center Womens Division 1 - American - Aurora
2015-16 09/10/15 08/31/16 Vaughan Athletic Center Womens Division 1 - American - Aurora
2016-17 09/12/16 09/04/17 Vaughan Athletic Center Womens Division 1 - American - Aurora
2017-18 09/06/17 08/31/18 Vaughan Athletic Center Womens Division 1 - American - Aurora
2018-19 09/07/18 08/31/19 Vaughan Athletic Center Womens Division 1 - American - Aurora
2019-20 09/09/19 08/31/20 Vaughan Athletic Center Womens Division 1 - Central - Aurora
2020-21 09/09/20 08/31/21 Vaughan Athletic Center Womens Division 1 - Central - Vaughan Center
2021-22 09/13/21 08/31/22 Vaughan Athletic Center Womens Division 1 - Central - Vaughan Center
2022-23 09/06/22 08/31/23 Vaughan Athletic Center Womens Division 1 - Central - Vaughan Center


Match Information

Invalid query: SELECT m.matchid, m.level, m.season, m.dtplayed AS matchdate, m.tmplayed, m.leagueid, m.leaguedesc AS league, m.matchdesc, m.homedesc AS home, m.visitdesc AS visitors, m.hometeam, m.visitteam, md.courtseq, md.courtnum, md.type, md.winner, md.home1, md.home2, md.visit1, md.visit2, md.hset1, md.vset1, md.htb1, md.vtb1, md.hset2, md.vset2, md.htb2, md.vtb2, md.hset3, md.vset3, md.htb3, md.vtb3 FROM mdetails as md, matches AS m WHERE (md.home1 = 1000002680 OR md.home2 = 1000002680 OR md.visit1 = 1000002680 OR md.visit2 = 1000002680) AND md.matchid = m.matchid AND m.season = '2023-24' AND (m.hometeam = OR m.visitteam = ) ORDER BY m.season DESC, m.level, md.courtnum, matchdate, m.tmplayed, LEFT(m.matchdesc, 2), md.courtseq;